Swag Wallets


Custom Branded Mighty Wallets

Gaining impressions for brands through a promotional product like Mighty Wallets is an eco-friendly a effective swag or promo item that lasts for years giving you thousands of impressions in one wallets lifetime. 

Reasons to #GiveGoodSwag

1 - Daily Connection with customers
A custom branded Mighty Wallet is a conversation starter giving your brand a valuable placement amongst friends and at any point of purchase.

2 - Being Eco-friendly Matters
Consumers have a more favorable opinion of an advertiser if their promotional product is environmentally friendly!

3 - Placements are 80% Effective
The Mighty Wallet is saved and shared. When used daily it connects with consumers on a personal and a financial connection.

Think about it, if you go anywhere what do you have with you? Your phone, your keys and your Mighty Wallet!


Case Studies:

30 Day Production Timeline
Free Virtual Renderings 

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